Marketing is something which many spa or salon owners neglect. There are a lot of people who look at marketing as an expense rather than as a means of generating revenue, which is exactly what an effective marketing campaign is. In order to make the most of your marketing, you'll need to keep on top of things and review what kind of results you're getting in order to keep up with or better yet, ahead of your competition.
Look carefully at what you're doing to market your salon now and see what's getting results for you and what isn't. Look at the cost for each marketing campaign in terms of the return on investment. For instance, are your radio ads generating new business for your salon or are your direct mail efforts having more of an impact? It's all too easy to fall into the habit of using just one type of advertising - which often means losing out on opportunities to reach your target market. The idea is to stick with what works and scale back on what doesn't.
Email Marketing
Ask your clients for their contact information - including their email address. Many businesses find that a monthly newsletter delivered by email can be an effective tool for generating repeat business. You can use your newsletter to remind your clients about new services you offer, remind them about seasonally popular procedures like hair removal and the like. You can also send the people on your email list occasional messages about specials, open appointments and the like.
Cross Marketing
You may want to do cross marketing with other local businesses; it's better to do some marketing along with businesses which do not offer exactly the same services as your spa does. If you know some local hairstylists, this can be a particularly rewarding cross promotion for both their business and your own.
Take Advantage Of Technology
Your salon very likely uses a computerized system to manage bookings. You can actually use these systems to take your marketing efforts to the next level by using their ability to produce reports; these can tell you if there are facilities which aren't being used to their full potential as well as which of your clients haven't been in for some time and should be followed up with.
Getting out and making a name for yourself is incredibly important. Participate in your community, especially in areas where you'll meet people who are in your target market. People tend to choose to go to people they know for services like yours - when you network with people in your city, you'll be able to make business contacts, get the word out about your business and even bring in some new clients.
Remember, it's not enough to just put a sign out front; you need to put some effort into marketing your salon business and you have to keep up with how your marketing and advertising efforts are working for you. Make your marketing accountable and keep it constantly evolving in order to create a foundation for the continued growth of your spa or salon.
Perfect Color and Cut Marketing was started to help salon owners successfully market their salons and currently has seven hundred plus Salons and Spas around the country that they consult with. Grab their FREE Hair Salon Marketing Report today!
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